Monday, 25 August 2014

Denton Community News Leaflet

After a long absence due to funding difficulties, we are pleased to announce the re-launch of your community newspaper, under the new title of DENTON COMMUNITY NEWS, formerly the Denton South Community News.

If you have any stories, poems, information about group activities, walks or general news, they can be e-mailed to us at or left at reception at the Haughton Green Centre, Tatton Road, Haughton Green.

We are hoping to have your newspaper available to be viewed on line from the beginning of October - depending on material being sent in. A limited number of printed copies will also be available from the Haughton Green Centre, Doctors Surgery, Dentist, Libraries within Denton, Residential Homes and other venue’s yet to be determined. Printed copies will also be available on request, but to keep costs down there will be a charge of 20 pence per copy delivered locally.

We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter and also have a blog.

We are also reserving a space for adverts which will be at a nominal charge to help fund the newspaper, details on request.

We would like to thank all our readers for their support in the past and hope that at some point in the future we will be able to get funding which will allow us to produce more copies of the newspaper.

The Denton Community News Team

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